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    Post: DUI citation after running red light? Possible to downgrade?

    Posted by Ryan on 11/16/11

    My wife recently acted irresponsibly and tried to drive
    home after a night out with some friends. She was running
    out of gas, intoxicated, and having an anxiety attack.
    After finally discovering a gas station she ran the
    redlight right infront of it and there was undercover cop
    right behind her. She told the guy about everything he
    asked including where she had been, admitted to
    drinking...took all the field tests and failed them. Blew
    a .10 at the scene, and then later a .14 at the station. We
    live in Arizona, which is one of the stricktest DUI states
    in the country. This is her first offense, no priors. A
    lawyer is charging her $4,000 and is going to try and get
    it lowered to reckless driving or so he says. What is the
    probable outcome from this with the info I have given?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • DUI citation after running red light? Possible to downgrade?, 11/16/11, by Ryan.

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