Post: Judge Wilford Carter; Louisiana
Posted by Jeep Bass, Attorney on 7/06/05
It is true that Judge Wilford Carter of Louisiana is being considered by President Bush for nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court? If so, that will be out of the ordinary, as Carter is not a member of the Federal judiciary, and Supreme Court appointments usually come from among the Federal judiciary. If so, however, that will be good, for Carter is a states rights judge, and we need to return to states rights in the U.S. The Federal government has gotten too big. It is government of the governors, by the governors and for the governors. Also, it it true that Bush has Judge Carter on his Short List? Sincerely, Jeep Bass, Atty. - Louisiana
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- Judge Wilford Carter; Louisiana, 7/06/05, by Jeep Bass, Attorney.