Post: Business Development
Posted by Jeff on 8/02/05
I have a new business concept that I have been developing for the past year. I am interested in franchising the concept. However that is very restrictive, expensive and time consuming. I have been approached by several people wanting to be involved with this concept. I am interested in selling a number of turn key Get & Go Express operations to individuals. At least enough to help fund the franchising costs. However I do not want to lose all control over these owner/operators. My question is, Can I sell someone a turnkey Get & Go Express including our patent pending building design, Trademarks including "Get & Go Express" and " Home of the 25 Cent Soda" while still having control over how they use the building and name? Can I later turn the previous purchasers into franchisees? Thank you in advance for your help!
New Business Opportunity
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Business Development, 8/02/05, by Jeff.
- Re: Business Development, 8/02/05, by Curmudgeon.