Posted by STEPHEN SHORT on 8/04/06
On 8/20/05, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote: > Dear D.C. Attorney, > > Very weak! First of all she's a woman. Her husband is a > football coach who really runs the state. The first > significant thing she did was to go down to Cuba and kiss the > feet of Cuban Communist Murderous Dictator Fidel Castro. The > officials of the Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District > (Port of Lake Charles) did the same thing. Secondly, during > her first session of the Louisiana legislature, she did > nothing to stop the passage of hundreds and hundreds of new > laws. In Louisiana we live in an ocean of laws. You have heard > it said that there are too many lawyers. Not in Louisiana! In > Louisiana there are not enough. Everything in Louisiana, > everything, has to do with law. Almost everyone, everyone, > has a serious legal problem. Our school students are taught > that in Louisiana we have Napoleonic Law. Nothing could be > further from the truth. We used to have Napoleonic Law, but > not any longer. Napoleon said that since every man was > presumed to know the law, and that since ignorance of the law > was no excuse for violation of the law (IGNORANTIA NON EXCUSIT > LEGIS). that there should be no more laws than would fit in a > one-volume code that would fit in a woman's purse or a man's > hip pocket. Thus his lawgivers gave him the CODE NAPOLEON, > which Louisiana adopted as its own and which served us well > for over two hundred years until the Louisiana Law Explosion > of recent years. The very idea of a CODEX is that it is a one > volume tome. Now our so-called LOUISIANA CIVIL CODE, even the > Thompson-West edition, is two large volumes consisting of > about two thousand pages and weighing about ten pounds, if not > more. Instead of being governed by clearly stated principles > of law contained in a one volume CODEX, we are now governed by > what has become the "Louisiana Common Law", and by at least a > hundred thousand black-letter separately indexed and numbered > statutes, some of which are pages and pages long. The drivers > license law alone is about sixty-one double columned pages > that only a termite could read without manigfying glass. In > Louisiana we now live in an ocean of laws. What we were once > proud of in Louisiana as the CODE MORROW, or the Louisiana > Criminal Code, a short, clear, terse and succinct statement of > definitions of criminal offenses and short rules of criminal > statutory interpretation, has now become another West-Thompson > monstrosity of a volume of about a thousand pages,if not more; > and again, it now contains the definitions of so many recently > adopted stated criminal offenses that almost every man, woman > and child in Louisiana is guilty of having committed some > criminal offense; and Louisiana leads the Nation in having the > largest number of prior convicted felons than any other state > in the Union; and the same applies to it's prison population. > Lousisian has upwards of ten large state prisons, if not > more. I have also read that Louisiana has more persons > imprisoned in its state prisions, per capita, than any other > state in the nation, or even any other nation in the world. > The prison industry is probably one of the largest, if not the > largest, industires in the state of Louisiana. It is so large > that corporations listed on the New York Stock Exchange have > gone to running large prisons for the state of Louisiana. > Recently when a large "river-boat" gambling casino named > Pinochel Pinoche Casino opened its "L'Auberge" casino, hotel > golf course and $1,000 a day Villas, it had to delay its > scheduled opening for several weeks because it could not find > the necessary employees to staff its operations, since there > were so many Louisianians that had felonies against them, that > it had to go out of state, and even out of the United States > to find the necessary employees so that it could opoen. Also, > the state universities, like the local McNeese State > university, have made an unholy alliance with Organized > Gambling and seek to derive every penney they can from the > Organized Gambling Industry; and, the local university is even > at the present moment advertising about a large "Texas Hold- > 'Em" Poker Tournament to be held locally very soon and from > which McNeese University expects to receive thousands of > dollars for improvements to its Jack Doland Field House. The > late, great McNeese Football Coach, University President and > Louisiana State Senator Jack Doland would roll over in his > grave if he knew that his name and the name of his family were > being being associated and advertised publicly with such an > unwholesome activity. When gambling was approved by the > Legislature in Louisiana, the people were assured that it > would be very, very regulated and conducted only on Casino > river boats plying the lakes and rivers of Louisiana. Now > there are Poker Machine gambling casinos with up to fifty > poker machines at almost every truck stop in Louisiana, and > almost every restaurant in the state has a gambling room with > three video poker machines; and one restaurant building here > in Lake Charles has been converted from a single restaurant > into a three-business gambling operation consisting of a > restaurant with one name and a three video poker machine > gambling room, a Daiquiri Shop with a three video poker > machine gambling room, and a traditional bar-room with its > three video poker gambling room, all in one relatively small > building under one roof on one street corner in Lake Charles; > all three gambling-type businesses are owned by the same rich > gambling tycoon. Gambling has taken over in Louisiana. It is > really a state not fit for a child to grow up in. It is > quickly becoming a police state, if there ever was one. The > Louisiana State Bar Association thinks so little of Louisiana > that it has not held but one of its Annual Conventions in > Louisiana in the last forty years, since I became a lawyer. > The Louisiana District Attorney's Association won't even hold > its Annual Convention in Louisiana, but takes it out of > state. A lot of that is because there are over five-hundred > unsolved murders on the books, most of them happening to out > of state tourists, many many of these having happened to > tourists in the New Orleans French Quarter. There is more to > it all than this, but this is something to think about. I am > considering very seriously running for governor so that I can > straighten this state and its crazy legal, educational, > medical and criminal "justice" ystems out. Louisiana's > educational system, both elementary and secondary, as well as > higher educational systems, always rank the lowest in > traditional national rankings, all except its L.S.U. Football > team. Further, the health-care system in Louisiana is > deplorable. I will talk more about that later. Well, you > asked, so you got the answer. Althouth the the little lady > governor is doing here best, apparently she just does not have > what it takes to run a whole state, not even with her foot- > ball coach husband to tell her what to do. Thanks for your > concern! > > Sincerely, > > Hardy Parkerson, Atty. > Ronald Reagan Democrat > (Possible Candidate for Governor - 2007) > > > D.C. Attorney wrote: > >> Hi Hardy, >> >> What do you think of the new governor down there? >> >> DC >> >> On 8/18/05, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote: > >>> In Louisiana, to sell legalized gambling to the populace, >>> the legislature passed a law that said the only casino- >>> type gambling would be on riverboats, as if to say that >>> casino gambling would not pollute the towns, but would be >>> out on the rivers during on boats under way on river >>> cruises. And that is the way it started. Then they passed >>> a law that said that the river boats could stay dockside >>> while casino gambling took place aboard. But what has >>> developed lately is a phony operation by some casinos, >>> such as Pinochle Casino (L'Auberge) in Lake Charles >>> whereby the so-called "river-boat" sits in a cement pond >>> on land near the river; and it could not be taken for a >>> cruise up or down the river if L'Auberge wanted to. How >>> phony! How phony of the corrupt Louisiana elected >>> officals and governmentleaders! >>> >>> Also, the Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District (Port >>> of Lake Charles), paid for with tax-payer dollars, and >>> which was established by early Louisiana leaders to >>> promote maritime commerce, has sold out to Organized >>> Gambling and now the large Pinochle (L'Auberge) Casino, >>> Golf Course, Hotel and Thouand-Dollar-A Day villas occupy >>> the land bought and paid for and owned by the taxpayers. >>> >>> Again, how phony! >>> >>> Sincerely, >>> >>> Hardy Parkeson, Attorney >>> Lake Charles, LA >>>