Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. on 8/20/05
Dear D.C. Attorney, Very weak! First of all she's a woman. Her husband is a football coach who really runs the state. The first significant thing she did was to go down to Cuba and kiss the feet of Cuban Communist Murderous Dictator Fidel Castro. The officials of the Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District (Port of Lake Charles) did the same thing. Secondly, during her first session of the Louisiana legislature, she did nothing to stop the passage of hundreds and hundreds of new laws. In Louisiana we live in an ocean of laws. You have heard it said that there are too many lawyers. Not in Louisiana! In Louisiana there are not enough. Everything in Louisiana, everything, has to do with law. Almost everyone, everyone, has a serious legal problem. Our school students are taught that in Louisiana we have Napoleonic Law. Nothing could be further from the truth. We used to have Napoleonic Law, but not any longer. Napoleon said that since every man was presumed to know the law, and that since ignorance of the law was no excuse for violation of the law (IGNORANTIA NON EXCUSIT LEGIS). that there should be no more laws than would fit in a one-volume code that would fit in a woman's purse or a man's hip pocket. Thus his lawgivers gave him the CODE NAPOLEON, which Louisiana adopted as its own and which served us well for over two hundred years until the Louisiana Law Explosion of recent years. The very idea of a CODEX is that it is a one volume tome. Now our so-called LOUISIANA CIVIL CODE, even the Thompson-West edition, is two large volumes consisting of about two thousand pages and weighing about ten pounds, if not more. Instead of being governed by clearly stated principles of law contained in a one volume CODEX, we are now governed by what has become the "Louisiana Common Law", and by at least a hundred thousand black-letter separately indexed and numbered statutes, some of which are pages and pages long. The drivers license law alone is about sixty-one double columned pages that only a termite could read without manigfying glass. In Louisiana we now live in an ocean of laws. What we were once proud of in Louisiana as the CODE MORROW, or the Louisiana Criminal Code, a short, clear, terse and succinct statement of definitions of criminal offenses and short rules of criminal statutory interpretation, has now become another West-Thompson monstrosity of a volume of about a thousand pages,if not more; and again, it now contains the definitions of so many recently adopted stated criminal offenses that almost every man, woman and child in Louisiana is guilty of having committed some criminal offense; and Louisiana leads the Nation in having the largest number of prior convicted felons than any other state in the Union; and the same applies to it's prison population. Lousisian has upwards of ten large state prisons, if not more. I have also read that Louisiana has more persons imprisoned in its state prisions, per capita, than any other state in the nation, or even any other nation in the world. The prison industry is probably one of the largest, if not the largest, industires in the state of Louisiana. It is so large that corporations listed on the New York Stock Exchange have gone to running large prisons for the state of Louisiana. Recently when a large "river-boat" gambling casino named Pinochel Pinoche Casino opened its "L'Auberge" casino, hotel golf course and $1,000 a day Villas, it had to delay its scheduled opening for several weeks because it could not find the necessary employees to staff its operations, since there were so many Louisianians that had felonies against them, that it had to go out of state, and even out of the United States to find the necessary employees so that it could opoen. Also, the state universities, like the local McNeese State university, have made an unholy alliance with Organized Gambling and seek to derive every penney they can from the Organized Gambling Industry; and, the local university is even at the present moment advertising about a large "Texas Hold- 'Em" Poker Tournament to be held locally very soon and from which McNeese University expects to receive thousands of dollars for improvements to its Jack Doland Field House. The late, great McNeese Football Coach, University President and Louisiana State Senator Jack Doland would roll over in his grave if he knew that his name and the name of his family were being being associated and advertised publicly with such an unwholesome activity. When gambling was approved by the Legislature in Louisiana, the people were assured that it would be very, very regulated and conducted only on Casino river boats plying the lakes and rivers of Louisiana. Now there are Poker Machine gambling casinos with up to fifty poker machines at almost every truck stop in Louisiana, and almost every restaurant in the state has a gambling room with three video poker machines; and one restaurant building here in Lake Charles has been converted from a single restaurant into a three-business gambling operation consisting of a restaurant with one name and a three video poker machine gambling room, a Daiquiri Shop with a three video poker machine gambling room, and a traditional bar-room with its three video poker gambling room, all in one relatively small building under one roof on one street corner in Lake Charles; all three gambling-type businesses are owned by the same rich gambling tycoon. Gambling has taken over in Louisiana. It is really a state not fit for a child to grow up in. It is quickly becoming a police state, if there ever was one. The Louisiana State Bar Association thinks so little of Louisiana that it has not held but one of its Annual Conventions in Louisiana in the last forty years, since I became a lawyer. The Louisiana District Attorney's Association won't even hold its Annual Convention in Louisiana, but takes it out of state. A lot of that is because there are over five-hundred unsolved murders on the books, most of them happening to out of state tourists, many many of these having happened to tourists in the New Orleans French Quarter. There is more to it all than this, but this is something to think about. I am considering very seriously running for governor so that I can straighten this state and its crazy legal, educational, medical and criminal "justice" ystems out. Louisiana's educational system, both elementary and secondary, as well as higher educational systems, always rank the lowest in traditional national rankings, all except its L.S.U. Football team. Further, the health-care system in Louisiana is deplorable. I will talk more about that later. Well, you asked, so you got the answer. Althouth the the little lady governor is doing here best, apparently she just does not have what it takes to run a whole state, not even with her foot- ball coach husband to tell her what to do. Thanks for your concern! Sincerely, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. Ronald Reagan Democrat (Possible Candidate for Governor - 2007) D.C. Attorney wrote: > Hi Hardy, > > What do you think of the new governor down there? > > DC > > On 8/18/05, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote: >> In Louisiana, to sell legalized gambling to the populace, >> the legislature passed a law that said the only casino- >> type gambling would be on riverboats, as if to say that >> casino gambling would not pollute the towns, but would be >> out on the rivers during on boats under way on river >> cruises. And that is the way it started. Then they passed >> a law that said that the river boats could stay dockside >> while casino gambling took place aboard. But what has >> developed lately is a phony operation by some casinos, >> such as Pinochle Casino (L'Auberge) in Lake Charles >> whereby the so-called "river-boat" sits in a cement pond >> on land near the river; and it could not be taken for a >> cruise up or down the river if L'Auberge wanted to. How >> phony! How phony of the corrupt Louisiana elected >> officals and governmentleaders! >> >> Also, the Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District (Port >> of Lake Charles), paid for with tax-payer dollars, and >> which was established by early Louisiana leaders to >> promote maritime commerce, has sold out to Organized >> Gambling and now the large Pinochle (L'Auberge) Casino, >> Golf Course, Hotel and Thouand-Dollar-A Day villas occupy >> the land bought and paid for and owned by the taxpayers. >> >> Again, how phony! >> >> Sincerely, >> >> Hardy Parkeson, Attorney >> Lake Charles, LA >>
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- Re: Scum of the Earth Hardy, 8/20/05, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
- Re: Scum of the Earth Hardy, 8/20/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
- Re: Scum of the Earth Hardy, 8/20/05, by Curmudgeon.
- Re: Thank you, Hardy..., 8/24/05, by Deborah D.
- Re: Thank you, Hardy..., 8/25/05, by Anybody in Lake Charles.
- Re: Thank you, Hardy..., 8/25/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
- Re: Thank you, Hardy..., 8/26/05, by Rob.
- Re: Hey Hardy!!, 8/28/05, by v.
- Re: Hey Hardy!! - HURRICANE DOLLY ON THE WAY, 8/29/05, by Hardy P.
- Re: Thank you, Hardy..., 8/29/05, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. - Lake Charles, LA.
- Re: Thank you, Hardy..., 8/29/05, by Hardy Parkerson.
- Re: Thank you, Hardy..., 11/23/05, by Deborah D.
- Re: Scum of the Earth Hardy, 11/25/05, by RichWithClass.
- Re: Scum of the Earth Hardy, 11/27/05, by RichWithClass.