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    Posted by Dr. Martin Hughes - San Jose State on 9/01/05

    That guy Parkerson is funny. How can I contact him. I want to
    try to him to come out here and straighten out a few things going
    wrong in my university.

    Martin Hughes
    Chancellor, San Jose State

    On 8/29/05, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote:
    > Being a hillbilly from the Ozarks, it is understandable that
    > you would not appreciate this great work of art and
    > literature. Perhaps if the poet had talked about lying in a
    > rocky creek or playing a fiddle while sitting outside a log
    > dirt-topped hut on the side of a hill you would have related
    > to it better. In Louisiana we call them red-necks, and in the
    > Ozarks I suppose they are called hillbillies.
    > H.P.
    > On 8/29/05, Ozarks Lawyer - The Anti-Poet. wrote:
    >> Does anyone really read this crap and become moved by it?
    >> Come to know your whistle? Flick the mushrooms? Ah, come
    >> on.
    >> On 8/29/05, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote:
    >>> Young man, I have seen thee strolling
    >>> In the stillness of the park.
    >>> Day by day, hand in pocket
    >>> Of your thin, familiar jacket,
    >>> Twlight into dark.
    >>> I have come to know your whistle,
    >>> Know your collie,
    >>> Know your cap.
    >>> Have seen the straggling sunlight hold you,
    >>> Watched the emerald grass enfold you
    >>> In its loving lap.
    >>> With your lichened switch I see you
    >>> Flick the mushrooms in your way.
    >>> And I know what you are thinking.
    >>> Would that through the soft mist falling
    >>> You could hear a stranger calling,
    >>> Stay!
    >>> Anybody know who wrote this poem which is said to have
    >>> been J.F.K.'s favorite? One interpretation of it is of a
    >>> young man who strolls in something like Central Park (NYC)
    >>> each afternoon late and is watched from the window of a
    >>> high-rise apartment or hosptial nearby by an invalid
    >>> and/or homebound disabled person (surely a female), who
    >>> looks forward each day to the young man's arrival and
    >>> watches his every move, and that of his collie, and who is
    >>> close enough to hear his whistle, or can see that he is
    >>> whistling and "hears" it in her own mind, and who dreds
    >>> the time when the younng man walks away from the park just
    >>> before sun down. That evaluation of the poem was more or
    >>> less written in some other words by my late, great father
    >>> J.D. Parkerson, born Rocky Mount, LA, 1911, a poet
    >>> himself, among other things. I wonder if my father wrote
    >>> that poem. If so, he never told me he did. However, I
    >>> found it among his possessions after he died, as well as
    >>> his intrepretation of it, and the memorandum to which his
    >>> hand-written interpretation was attached said that this
    >>> was J.F.K.'s favorite poem. But I wonder who did write
    >>> it. Does anybody know?
    >>> Sincerely,
    >>> Hardy Parkerson, Atty.
    >>> Lake Charles, LA

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • J.F.K.'S FAVORITE POEM, 8/29/05, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: J.F.K.'S FAVORITE POEM, 8/29/05, by Ozarks Lawyer - The Anti-Poet..
  • Re: J.F.K.'S FAVORITE POEM, 8/29/05, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: J.F.K.'S FAVORITE POEM, 8/31/05, by Ozarks Lawyer.
  • Re: J.F.K.'S FAVORITE POEM, 9/01/05, by Dr. Martin Hughes - San Jose State.

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