Post: Employees who solicte donors 4 profit / employer liabilty?
Posted by Rex on 12/14/05
For over 3 years I have made plasma donations at a local
blood bank, in exchange for my donations I am compensatied
30 dollars for my time. Most people who donate at this
center are poor.
Over the course of the past 3 years and employee who works
for the company which takes my plasma has often saught to
engage me in private conversation (while working) about
matters dealing with religion. As I am not of the same
faith I have always tried to avoid these conversations as
politely as possible. I have also witness this same
employee engage others (donors as well as co-workers) in
the same kind of conversation often with the same result
and never with any interferance from the management of
this local branch.
First question: Is it legal for an employee to engage in
this type of behavior?
I do not believe it is but as he has never personally
offended me I have not made a point of this. Las Sunday
however this employee presented me with documentation
which he insisted that I review. He also at the same time
(this occured immediately after I had made my donation and
was waiting to be paid my 30 dollar fee), instructed me to
pay him 10 dollars, provide my name & address along with
the names and addresses of 6 family members and/or friends.
In exchange for employement in his pyrimad based
organization. When I informed him that I was not
interested in joining such an organization he went on to
say the normal fee was 40.00 but the 10.00 price was
special and he was giving me a break. I told him yet
again that I was not interested. He still insisted that I
take the information and read it and then get back to him
with what I thought. He was very forceful in this matter
and even raised his voice a bit while talking to me
(another employee witnessed this) all of this occured
inside the center on the center's property.
I took the information home and found it to be a bit
shocking and a bit offensive and because of this employees
behavior I feel some what threatened regarding going back
to donate for fear of what he might say or DO next.
My question is what should I do? Four days has past since
this insident, I have called the blood bank in question
and he verified that he is still working there. I find
this hard to believe because I am certain that he has
approached other donor's with same documeentation making
the same financial requests of folks who could least
afford to do this but may feel intimidated to do so.
I am considering going to the manager and asking him to
call corperate while I am there and inquire if that have
any type of program in place which rewards donors for
informing them of possible legal or ethical matters that
if not address would negatively affect there business and
profit potential if such information were to become public
knowledge? (aka whistle blower program)
Question: Is it legal for me to do this?
Or should I just go to my local news and report this
My consern is that I am a private citizen with no desire
to be involed in the outcome of this matter but I do wish
to see it resolved. I am also conserned for my own safety
should this employee find out that I am the person who
brought this matter to light.
I also do not feel good about returning to this bloodbank
any longer but do not feel that it is fair that I should
loose potential revenue (I have a perfect donor history
with this company) do to the actions of an empolyee.
Please forgive any typo's I will try to re-edit but I am
hoping someone can give me advice on this matter.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Employees who solicte donors 4 profit / employer liabilty?, 12/14/05, by Rex.