Post: Does the legal question page help or hurt in general?
Posted by Carol on 4/12/06
After reading a particular thread, actually a set of them, on the legal questions page, I have been sitting here thinking that maybe answering some of these questions may actually be detrimental to the people we're trying to help as well as other attorneys who represent them. One woman appears to be actually trying her case on that site. I have a client who has "been doing research" and keeps calling me telling me all the things I'm doing wrong and how she has read this and been told that, and so on. I'm sick of it and ready to drop her. I rarely answer her calls anymore because she simply will not hear what I have to say. When we started out we had a very good working relationship. On the legal questions board, I try to answer questions honestly and respectfully. I really enjoy teaching and helping out. But on the other hand, is answering these questions really actually hurting an attorney client relationship? How do we make people see that this is not the advice they should build their case on because we do not ever have all the facts? The disclaimer at the top is nice, but I really don't think many of the posters read it. I will continue to preach my mantra: KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT because I truly think people ought to know some things. As to the rest of it, I just don't know. Anyone else have these thoughts?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Does the legal question page help or hurt in general?, 4/12/06, by Carol.