Post: Student vs. College

Posted by Stacie Clark on 5/05/06
I am a RN nursing student. I used the one handed scoop technique on a used needle to carry it to the Sharps Box. The instructor placed me on probation for a safety violation. In my textbook and on the OSHA website under bloodborne pathogens it states if not in close proximity to the Sharps box you may use the one handed scoop technique. The school will not over rule my probation and stated we have our guidelines and you can bring all the papers you want it wont change. I have not seen their guidelines and shouldnt they go by what OSHA says? Also, another student did the same thing and after weeks of waiting pulled him out of class, took him to the conference room, where the vice president, teacher, and the college lawyer were waiting. Can they blind side him like that. There are other issues but Just wanted to know what to do. I plan to continue to fight this. Thank you
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Student vs. College, 5/05/06, by Stacie Clark.
- Re: Student vs. College, 5/08/06, by Carol.