Re: I feel like I was just a victim of fraud
Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty.; Lake Charles, LA on 5/10/06
Dear Eli, It looks to me if indeed you have been the victim of fraud. I don't like this new modern banking whereby when we write a check, they can just slide the check through a machine and writhdraw from your banking account. If they can do that, what is to keep them from slipping the check through and withdrawing the amount of the check, and then taking the same check and running it through like they did in the old days? Sometimes they hand you the check back and say they have already debited your bank account, and sometimes they don't bother to hand you the check back. How can you know if you have paid once or twice. There is so muchy bank fraud, and much of it is perpetrated by the banks themselves, whereby they manipulate your deposits and checks so as to rip you off for $29.00 NSF charges, when in fact you have the money in the bank to cover your checks. It is a multimillion-dollar bank scandle in America, not to mention the way these same banks hold your monthly payment checks on credit card accounts until the "deadline" for payment has passed, and then charge you $29.00 for a "late" payment, and sometimes this causes you to go over your limit, so they rip you off for another $29.00 "over-the- limit" charge. What should be the leaders of morality and honesty in America are the crminals, but they get by with it; at least they have gotten by with it so far. It is part of the Culture of Corruption in America, and Congress does zip, zero about it, for they are also part of the Culture of Corruption in America. There is more to it all than this, but this is something to think about. Fight back! Don't let someone rip you off for that extra $900.00. Hold the bank responsible. Good luck! Again, fight back! Sincerely, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. Lake Charles, LA On 5/10/06, Eli wrote: > They were suppose to withdrawl a hundered dollars from my > account for clearwire internet but insted they clean out > my account 1,000.00 and haven't put anything back
Posts on this thread, including this one
- I feel like I was just a victim of fraud, 5/10/06, by Eli.
- Re: I feel like I was just a victim of fraud, 5/10/06, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty.; Lake Charles, LA.