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    Re: To Bob R/CA *words*

    Posted by Carol on 5/12/06

    On 5/12/06, Carol wrote:
    > Bob, I have been trying to answer a post on the real
    > estate board for a couple of days. When I answer the
    > question it goes to web security but when I just type a
    > test sentence it goes through, so I know it's not my
    > name. What is happening? I am talking about a disclosure
    > issue. I cannot see that I am using any forbidden language
    > or any other reason for it to go to security. would you
    > please explain what is happening? I am really curious as
    > to what this is about. thanks.
    When I tried to post this originally it went to web security
    again but when I took out two words it went through. One
    word was "information". the other was a derivative
    of "stigma." why does that trigger?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • To Bob R/CA , 5/12/06, by Carol.
  • Re: To Bob R/CA *words*, 5/12/06, by Carol.

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