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    Post: Unlicensed Computer Forensics Investigators

    Posted by pi52 on 5/15/06

    Those of you in the legal field have probably used or have
    been up against the unlicensed computer forensic expert,
    examiner, investigator, or whatever they label themselves.
    Often the testimony and cross-examinations are difficult
    and expensive!

    There can be a short cut to challenging the Unlicensed
    Computer Foreniscs Investigative Expert. The challenge
    should be done early in the case. Check the expert's
    investigative behavior. You will find many of these
    experts are just computer technicians with histories of
    doing criminal and civil case investigations under the
    erroneous assumption that since their investigation
    involves computer evidence then no licensing is required.

    They examine computers for evidence secured from their out-
    in-the-field investigation or the client provides them with
    the computer in order to find digital evidence and further
    leads. You will find them following-up and investigating
    those leads. When professionally questioned under oath most
    fold, become evasive and claim "special status" and
    exemption from the law. When the other side's client or
    attorney is advised it is not uncommon to discover this
    issue was not disclosed and was known by the unlicensed
    computer forensics investigator at time of hiring. Some of
    their resumes are quite impressive with many claims
    of "certifications" that amount to private sector "high
    tech" investigation training programs that they completed.

    Most states have solid and current licensing law that can
    be cited and used to eliminate the unlicensed investigator
    from the case. Check your state investigator licensing
    laws. If the unlicensed computer forensics investigator is
    from another state, and has entered your state without
    authorization, and without further licensing then you could
    have further cause for removal.

    If you find one that makes the excuse that he has already
    qualified in court on previous cases, just make sure he
    knows that he did not get caught then, and qualifying in
    court does not magically produce an investigator's license.

    If you have hired one, and do not know about this issue,
    question the unlicensed computer forensics investigator
    closely, on qualifications, criminal backgrounds, licensing
    at all levels, and business tax exemption claims.

    If you want further details on "Challenging the Unlicensed
    Professional" send me an E-mail request. Your clients
    deserve the best, and removing an unlicensed investigator
    from the "other side's" case is to their benefit.
    CA Licensed Computer Forensics Investigator

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Unlicensed Computer Forensics Investigators, 5/15/06, by pi52.
  • Re: Unlicensed Computer Forensics Investigators?? , 6/02/06, by Tom Riley, Attorney.

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