Re: Unlicensed Computer Forensics Investigators??
Posted by Tom Riley, Attorney on 6/02/06
On 5/15/06, pi52 wrote:
> If you want further details on "Challenging the Unlicensed
> Professional" send me an E-mail request. Your clients
> deserve the best, and removing an unlicensed investigator
> from the "other side's" case is to their benefit.
> CA Licensed Computer Forensics Investigator
Most of you have been scammed by one of the BANNED MEMBERS
in this forum.
This is what the poster stated:
"CA Licensed computer forensics investigator"
There are no such licenses.
Another member elsewhere, who appears to have fallen victim
to the false statement, wrote "If there were "Computer
Forensic" licenses in any of the states I work in, I would
love to get one".
Sorry to shed bad news, but you'll have to wait for a
legitimate license to become available, no matter how other
claim to have one that does not exist.
I also called the California Bureau and was told what this
member stated was false.
I also found this member has been posting everywhere on the
internet forums to mislead people into thinking he is a
licensed computer forensics investigator.
Apparently he has upset some very good private investigators
to the point of revealing the following.
Go here:
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Unlicensed Computer Forensics Investigators, 5/15/06, by pi52.
- Re: Unlicensed Computer Forensics Investigators?? , 6/02/06, by Tom Riley, Attorney.