Re: Wikipedia / Direct Energy Weapons / Electronic Harassmen
Posted by Annette Potter on 6/27/12
Gerry, I have been being harassed by a direct energy weapon
since January and have resolved to the fact I must move.
How else can one avert the signals entering one's
apartment? I see no information anywhere on defense.
On 7/23/06, Gerry Duffett wrote:
> There is compelling evidence that classified "Directed
> Energy Weapons Technology", "Microwave Lasers", "Sonic
> Weapons", "Infrasound" and "Sonic Weaponry Technology"
> developed by the U.S. Government is in the hands of hate
> groups and organized crime. These covert weapons are said
> to be used secretly and silently to harass loyal
> strangle their businesses and gain control of their assets.
> Targeted Individuals (or TIs as they call themselves) warn
> that so long as these weapons technologies remain
> classified, responsible government and law enforcement
> agencies cannot protect them and other Americans, families
> and businesses from these threats.
> How Could This Happen ?
> The U.S. Government does not build bombers or battleships.
> It contracts with outside private companies to procure
> Military / Military Procurement Products and Programs.
> military research and development remains classified
> there are compelling reasons to make it public.
> Some of this electronic harassment technology is said to
> have leaked from these private defense contractors into
> hands of organized crime and hate groups. To date, the
> Government has been reluctant to admit publicly that the
> threat exists or that they have lost control of the
> technology.
> Why Is It So Hard To Detect ?
> Most bio-affective sonic and electro magnetic frequencies
> lie in the extremely low frequency range of 5 to 200
> per second which mimic and parallel the electronic
> functioning of the human nervous system.
> Since there are relatively few legitimate commercial uses
> for these extremely low frequency transmissions, test
> equipment to detect and prove their use is not currently
> available for a reasonable price.
> What Are The Effects Of These Directed Energy Weapons ?
> It is well known and well documented that microwave and
> extremely low frequency Extremely low frequency sonic and
> electromagnetic frequencies can disorient and disrupt
> functioning, cause memory loss and confusion. Some
> frequencies are said to induce cancer, heart attack or
> stroke. Recent publicity about "Active Denial
> Technologies " indicate they cause pain, serious injury
> even death.
> If the charges are correct and this classified, covert
> technology is in the hands of organized crime and hate
> groups, the implications and impact on our freedom and
> future is frightening.
> See :
> for further details and lists of reputable resources and
> links describing the electronic weaponry threat.
> Retrieved from
> Gerry Duffett
> Pager # 416-612-5689