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    Re: private fence

    Posted by johncodie on 9/28/06

    Believe you mean privacy fence on the property line.

    Consider who owns the property line?

    Upon the dispute the person can split the fee of the survey
    and take the dispute to court. The county survey is the
    courts expert to the court as what is the correct boundary.

    Offsets of property to a property line is usually a foot.
    Again not clear if that is 6" on each side, or a foot on
    either side. Clearance is so boundary can be maintained.
    You can legally go on a person's property to maintain your
    property if there is not other way to access.

    If the limb overhangs the property line the property owner
    has the right to trim back to the property line. If there is
    no overhang and tree/limb falls over line individuals
    insuance is responsible for removing tree limb up to the
    propertly line. Each property owner is responsible back to
    the line. Owner of tree is not responsible for fence since
    other had right to trim back to line.

    If limb/tree falls on other house then others insurance of
    property is liable for not removing propertly line known
    hazard if tree is dead. If tree is living and permits are
    required to remove such; then act of god, let the insurance
    carriers argue it out.

    Fences make good neighbors, so share the privacy. If you
    install it you get to have the pretty side!

    On 9/26/06, chris wrote:
    > if someone puts up a private fence on the property line
    > does the neighbor now own 1/2 of the fence?? and if a
    > tree limb falls on the fence is the owner of the tree
    > liable for the fence, even if the limb falls because the
    > wind was blowing???

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • private fence, 9/26/06, by chris.
  • Re: private fence, 9/28/06, by johncodie.
  • Re: private fence, 9/28/06, by v.

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