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    Post: natural gas and oil theft in pennsylvania/west virginia

    Posted by jim on 10/09/06

    It amazes me why more attorneys in pennsylvania are not
    collecting the money for the citizens. Millions of dollars
    in royaltys are being stolen from pa citizens that hold
    registered deeds to gas and oil resourses where this
    states officials from the govonor down has stolen from
    owners by unreported mimerandums and amendments into
    acts ,giving this marketable asset away tax free to
    coal/gas/oil companys. totally going against a supreme
    court ruling gas owners against theft .com pretty much
    tells the story to this white collar crimes. maybe someone
    out there can understand that those people does not have
    the money to standup for there rights and there
    constutional rights are deffently violated. I think that
    many attorneys should stand up and take cases of gas and
    oil/ coal on contengies all most all those cases are worth
    millions of dollars and the proof of ownership is without
    a dought. there also has been proof of drilling outside
    the coal seam where uss>hoge supreme ruling states clearly
    that the company only can get gas from in the coal seam.
    it also took there right to capture away.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • natural gas and oil theft in pennsylvania/west virginia, 10/09/06, by jim.

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