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    Post: Unethical lawyers at Citibank

    Posted by Damari Startford on 10/07/07

    To whom it may concern,


    Please help the little person fight corporate America and
    their lies and false statements

    On, Feb. 16, 2006 someone representing Citigroup Inc at
    One Court Square, 14th Floor, Long Island City, NY 11120,
    submitted a rebuttal to Ann Luekeman, Consultant for the
    Department of Fair Employment and Housing at 111 N Market
    Street, Suite 810, San Jose Ca 95112, and the statement
    entered is false and full of lies . Ann Luekeman also
    conducted the interviews for the investigation and was
    also lied to by Jeff Ursino and Kathleen Munoz during
    their interviews. I feel that the case needs to be
    investigated due to the fact that the DFEH made their
    decision with false statements submitted by Citigroup
    attorney and their employees. Sheri Paulo, the Employee
    Relations director for Citigroup was aware of the false
    information submitted yet even though they/she said they
    would submit a new statement they did not and stood by the
    lies knowing they were lies. I was wrongfully termination,
    harassed, by Jeff Ursino, and I can’t understand how an
    attorney lies to the DFEH and then they aren’t held
    accountable. This is unethical behavior on all those whom
    lied and I have to pay for their lies. Citigroup violated
    several Ca labor codes in the process of firing me nor did
    Citibank follow their own firing procedures. I was not
    offered FMLA until months later.
    I am begging that someone out there will help a mother who
    was simply trying to work be a mom and a wife making a
    honest living yet the manager and supervisor both lied as
    well as the Citigroup lawyers. Their lawyers requested
    more time to answer the DFEH yet submitted false
    information and this is unethical, please help us. I have
    been on disability since I was fired on 12/13/05 via UPS,
    I did not know I had lost my job until 12/15/05 because I
    was out on a workers comp pending case when I was fired.
    Violation 132A.My last pay check was direct deposited into
    my checking account, it was not included with my letter of
    termination. I would like to know who submitted these
    false statements for Citicorp and or Citibank and
    Citigroup. I don’t have a team of attorneys as they do or
    the funds to hire the right attorney to get to the truth.
    Please help us.


    Damari Stratford
    1291 Ord Grove Ave
    Seaside, Ca 93955

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