Post: disapproval for a nyc special patrolman license
Posted by luis rivera on 11/02/07
irequire this license to move ahead at my job . my boss needs me as a supervisor. i have been at my job for 19 years. i am a vietnam vet wit a bronz stara father of 4 and i wll find it very difficult to loacate another job now. i am 54 years old...i have been arrested in the past (13 years ago) all acd i have a good conduct certifiacte from the city and a letter of referance from my assemblyman. please help if posible thanks Louis 917 673 1600 anytime
Posts on this thread, including this one
- disapproval for a nyc special patrolman license, 11/02/07, by luis rivera.
- Re: disapproval for a nyc special patrolman license, 11/05/07, by friendly citizen.
- Re: disapproval for a nyc special patrolman license, 11/25/07, by pretty.
- Re: disapproval for a nyc special patrolman license, 12/16/07, by J. Johnson.
- Re: disapproval for a nyc special patrolman license, 6/08/14, by A. Martin.
- Re: disapproval for a nyc special patrolman license, 6/08/14, by A. Martin.