Post: Forced eval by X when on disability?
Posted by AVE on 12/29/07
I am disabled and have been put on Permanent by the state. My X husband is trying to make me have vocational evaluation and is filing a motion to get the judge to MAKE me have a Vocational evaluation. He has to pay child support and wants me working again so his support payments will lower. Will the judge allow his motion to make me be evaluated when I am on disability deemed by state? Is this legal for him to do this? I have been told by everyone that this will not be allowed due to the fact that I am on permanent diasability. I do not want to go thru any more testing as I already have for years. Medical, neurological by my md's, the states MD's and also the defnse md's for years and am tired of testing. This is causing me very much stress as I do NOT have an attorney and connot afford one. I am not able to defend myself in a manner that is fair because of my disability. By the way, My husband has NEVER had a child support modification until this year requested by me. This tactic he is using is only because the judge raised his support based on his high income. I was awarded retroactive support and he has not paid me yet. He does NOT want to give his daughter additional support obviously so is trying to hget it lowered already and I have not even received the appropriate payment to this date. There is no order on the yellow court minute paper I received stating when he has to pay me only that he does and the amount. He is really making this simple modifiation dificult for me and causing me to flare up physically from my added stress. This father or X husband has never taken his daughter for his alotted visitation in 12 years. His average is 1 day per month maybe 2. He has never given an extra dime to us in 12 years for support and now, just because of my modification order he is really making my life miserable. Can any of you help me? HIs attorney is nasty to me...his X wife sends me nasty grams as she calls them via email. I just want what my daughter deserves and the court ordered. HE MAKES lots of money and can afford this and lives a VERY nice lifestyle with beautiful homes, travel yet even made certain we did not have our support durint the CHristmas holiday. Thank-you in advance!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Forced eval by X when on disability?, 12/29/07, by AVE.