Re: Judge Wilfred Carter
Posted by Hardy Parkerson, J.D. on 9/19/09
Dear Friends,
Mary Fontenot is wrong about agreeing with me. I personally
think Judge Wilfred Carter is the best judge on the Bench in 14th
Judicial District Court, sitting in and for the parish (county)
of Calcasieu, state of Louisiana; and this is not to take
anything away from the other good and some great judges there. I
am not the one who wrote and posted the "low life" comment that
appears below this and said Mary Fontenot's posting.
Here's a little limmerick I wrote about him:
There once was a judge named Carter,
Who was smart as a fox, if not smarter.
He made a decision
'Bout an auto collision,
Gave the plaintiff a million-and-a-quarter.
Of course, humor intended!
Hardy Parkerson, J.D.
Retired Lawyer, after 41 years
Lake Charles, LA
On 8/23/09, Mary Fontenot wrote:
> I have to agree with Mr. Hardy Parkerson. Too many times has
> Judge Carter sided with the criminals, letting them go, posting
> low bonds or no bonds. What kind of message is this sending to
> our law enforcemnt officers and the public. Deputy Logan
> Armistead lays in a coma from a beating by two individuals. One
> individual of which Judge Carter let loose on $500,000 Security
> Bond. Which means no money had to be put up front What if this
> young Deputy does not make it through this. Then we will have a
> murderer running lose. How do we get justice with that kind of
> Judge. He should be removed from the bench. He has made too
> many serious mistakes letting criminals off too easy.
> On 8/15/09, concerned wrote:
>> On 8/01/09, Hardy Parkerson, J.D. wrote:
>>> Judge Wilfred Carter is the best judge on
>>> the Bench in Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana;
>>> sometimes called "Calciraq Parish". Thelocal
>>> newspaper trashes him because it sells
>>> papers. The White racists hate him
>>> because he takes care of his "constituency".
>>> Of course, judges are not supposed to have
>>> "constitutiencies"; but we all know they do.
>>> There is more to it all than this, but this
>>> is something to think about.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Hardy Parkerson, J.D.
>>> Lake Charles, LA
>>> (Retired from law practice
>>> after 41 years)
>> Carter is a real low life and lets criminals out with no
>> bail, most of which reside in his district, The others are
>> female inmates who manage to be let out without paying any
>> bail. Now I guess he really decided to step the sleaze up to
>> a whole new level by letting someone out who not only
>> assaulted a cop but knowingly assaulted him. He has time and
>> time again put the public at risk by letting criminals out
>> of jail for little or no bail money. He is everything wrong
>> with our justice system wrapped up in an incompetent
>> nutshell. The only thing this guy is good at is giving aid
>> and comfort to criminals. If you want to release a criminal
>> to prey upon the public, let them stay in your district
>> judge, not mine.