Post: Sexual harassment?

Posted by Mike on 8/10/09
Hello, my wife is basically having an emotional breakdown as
a result of her work.
Her female boss has been making her life hell. She's
already been to the ER several times this year with atrial
fibrillation (heart arrhythmia), most likely due to stress.
I don't know all the details, nor whether something like
this is even actionable, but early this Monday morning she
had an attack of arrhythmia, crying, basically she seemed to
break down, and she said to me this was in fear of being
ambushed by her boss.
My wife's office has hit some hard times in recent months.
They're a nonprofit in the state of Florida, and her boss
(who makes a very nice salary, but that's beside the point)
has laid off some of the staff, unprecedented in the
organization's 50+ year history. They've also outsourced
some of their services in an effort to cut costs, and
recently the boss hired a consultant to see how feasible it
would be to basically find some way to outsource my wife's
job and some of the positions she supervises.
What can I do? Please help, thanks.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Sexual harassment?, 8/10/09, by Mike.