Post: Question about criminal law, plea bargains
Posted by Johnny on 2/09/10
One of my neighbohrs broke into my car and stole a laptop, i found out who it was, when i approached him he started crying saying he didnt want to go to jail (but he still didnt admit he committed the crime, nor did he give back my laptop, thus i cant prove it). Plus I dont want to press charges against this individual due to the fact that he's mentally disturbed and his brother just died in a car wreck two weeks ago. I know the reason he doesn't want to admit it is because he doesn't want to go to jail. I thought of an idea, since all i care about is getting my computer back, if i approach his with a release form, in which it would state "i wont press charges against him as long as he gives me back my laptop." Does anyone know where i can acquire a form like that? Like a release form or plea bargain form, whatever its called.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Question about criminal law, plea bargains, 2/09/10, by Johnny.