Post: Very interesting.zenithink zt-180 From SourcingGate
Posted by EnappineVep on 2/06/11
Very interesting. I want to know another question. Although nothing to do with the subject, but I still want to know. Because there are a lot of people flow, for asking this question. do i buy an ipad or wait for the next? I have al zenithink zt-180 andriod 2.2 From trying to decide if i should buy a 16GB wifi ipad from JB hifi or should i wait for the next generation? somebody say Buy, dont buy? Who cares. You'll love it either way. Ifyou can wait 4 months, you'll get a slightly better model. Wait 16 months and get an even better one!!! but i DONT know how to do??
Very interesting.zenithink zt-180 From SourcingGate
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Very interesting.zenithink zt-180 From SourcingGate, 2/06/11, by EnappineVep.