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    Post: Fathers rights illegally taken away

    Posted by John on 2/11/11

    My ex fiance has been admitted to a mental hospital when she
    was 17 or so (now 20) for cutting. She has been arrested
    before. I have no record. When she was pregnant, she smoked
    pot and snorted molly (ecstacy) once. Someone called DSS on
    her. She hasn't worked in 2 yrs. Has no education past high
    school. My family, friends, coworkers are witness to things.
    I work full time in medical field and live with parents. I
    pay rent, have a car, license. Ex has no license or car. Her
    family hasnt wanted much to do with her til the baby. Ex
    punched me in the face while i was laying on the bed with
    baby on my stomach because i wouldnt talk to her for yelling
    at me. She opened my MAIL, email, text messages. TWO of my
    sisters accounts. Left and wont let me see the baby 4 days
    now unless shes there. HELP
    Additional information
    Her mom is a social worker in Boston and wanted to meet at
    my house and i felt uncomfortable thinking it over and
    cancelled. The ex called friends of ours to forward a
    message to me.. "The IRS is going to call you and if you
    tell them she is your child when they ask they will make you
    pay $1000 dollars for a paternity test and if you tell them
    she's not they will pay" i can only see her if she is around
    and wont let me take her alone to see me and my parents
    because shes afraid ill never give her back. she says she
    has the rights cause this is MA and shes the mother and the
    baby grew in her. The most she can say is i don't respect
    her because i speak with my boss whose a woman and because i
    apologized to my ex about her because she was searching for
    them and talking trash to them. she screamed at my mother
    and told her to get out of her own house because she was
    disagreeing with her and when my mom left she punched the
    ground multiple times and was like ow i think i broke my hand

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Fathers rights illegally taken away, 2/11/11, by John .

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