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    Post: Harrasment at work... What should I do?

    Posted by Vanessa on 5/23/11

    Harassment case at work, What should I do?
    I'm dealing with a co-worker who has been harassing me at
    work for quite some time. I finally stand up for myself,
    telling her I won't take her singling me out anymore. She
    proceeds to talk to the store manager, call HR and file a
    harassment case against ME. From what little my store
    manager has told me, most of what she said were lies. I was
    put on suspension for the rest of the day, told to give a
    detailed report of what happened and how it was that I felt
    I was being the harassee not the harasser. HR explained they
    would conduct a detailed investigation, question everyone in
    the shop and any witnesses. I spent 3 hours making a very
    detailed report. The next morning I have a message on my
    phone saying to come pick my things up and that I am fired.
    There was no investigation, no questions for anyone.

    In short, I was fired from my career because I was being
    harassed. I had the company's system used against me.
    Is it legal for a co-worker to make a false harassment case,
    and for the company's HR to not even conduct an
    investigation and fire me on the spot? I've called HR, they
    keep avoiding me and not returning calls.
    Today I am calling attorneys.
    Any advice?
    IT would be most appreciated... Vanessa

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Harrasment at work... What should I do?, 5/23/11, by Vanessa.

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