Post: chamging a megans law tier

Posted by Dee on 11/04/11
I understood once a person was tiered such as a tier I, that even if moved out of the original state that the tier was federal and could not be changed unless the person committed another same offense, I moved out of NJ to Dela. and they want to take me back to court, and change my tier to a tier II, I have maintained my innocence since day 1, I served 4 years in prison for a allegation of fellatio on a 16 year old boy I did not commit.I was never questioned about fellatio or even touching in court ever, the only question asked I was found not guilty,that was intercourse, and the other 2 acts not asked also were stated to be on the same day as the other alligation I was found not guilty of. Can Delaware change my tier when I was informed it was federal and could not be done, not to mention double jeopardy.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- chamging a megans law tier, 11/04/11, by Dee.