Post: Billion $ Company sues kids and those attached to game forum
Posted by defendant on 3/20/12
This is a civil suit launched by a billion dollar game company (Nexon America) against anyone and everyone they can obtain real life names of, Nexon's own negligence created this atmosphere of children hacking/botting in game and the 100's of web sites in which these things are publicized. Nexon is now blaming and suing any people they can obtain names of through utube, game forums, etc. for everything under the sun after years of neglect to their own free online game. Is their any possible way to find student attorneys, consumer advocacy groups or attorneys who will represent defendants to ensure fairness, freedom of speech, representation, etc. are at least minimally upheld for an ever-growing list of defendants who cannot afford an attorney? otherwise this billion dollar company is going to dictate and impose whatever their wishes into to this precedent setting case. any suggestions or leads of how to obtain representation by attorneys for these defendants would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached at
Need attorney or attorney school to represent deffendants
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- Billion $ Company sues kids and those attached to game forum, 3/20/12, by defendant .