Re: Franceschi's Nightmare
Posted by Anonymous Rex on 11/21/14
Keep up the good work, Lawyer Parkerson! s/AR On 1/31/13, Hardy Parkerson, J.D. wrote: > Franceschi's Nightmare > > by Professor Hardy Parkerson, J.D. [originally posted on > 11/08/10] > > At 57 Fed. 3d at 828, > A Federal case of recent date, > Franceschi, Bar Number 112893. > Went to court and made his plea. > When he arrived in city court, > To the Commissioner he did report; > And when the Judge asked, "How'd you arrive?" > Franceschi replied that he did drive; > But sensing he was in a bind, > He pled the Fifth, which came to mind; > And smelling trouble, Franceschi moved > To have the sitting Judge recused. > Whereupon the Judge did say, > "Let a bench warrant issue this very day! > For your license has been suspended, > And your freedom now is ended." > Franceschi tried to write a check > To post a bond to save his neck; > To which the Judge said in a dash, > "We don't take checks, you must pay cash." > And so arose Franceschi's hackles, > As they led him away to jail in shackels. > With Franceschi things weren't going well, > And so he spent the night in jail; > And though in jail he wasn't singin', > Franceschi came out of jail a-swingin'. > He filed a suit that very night > For violation of his Civil Rights. > He sued 'em all to make ' em pay. > "What goes 'round comes 'round," he'd say. > And through the courts his case made way, > Until it was dismissed one day. > Franceschi couldn't clear his name, > For he had failed to state a claim. > For to do as he pleases a judge is free, > For he has judicial immunity. > And since he'd failed to maintain his pleas, > Franceschi was cast for attorney fees.' > Which really made Franceschi holler, > For they were over ten thousand dollars. > Franceschi said, "I'll prevail still, > And to the Ninth Circuit I shall appeal." > But at the Ninth Circuit he argued and squirmed, > Only to have the decision affirmed. > The Ninth dismissed his appeal like a breeze, > And cast Franceschi for more attorney fees; > And what a blow poor Franceschi was handed, > When for the fixing of fees his case was remanded! > > Author notes: > > There is a Latin maxim that poets are allowed to lie > (POETIS MENTIRI LICET.) However, this poem is almost > perfectly true. If you don't believe it, read the case > found in volume 57 FEDERAL REPORTER 3d Series, at page 828. > Franceschi is a colorful and famous California lawyer. I > once sent him a copy of this poem and then called him to > discuss it with him. I do not know that he appreciated the > poem, but he did tell me that although this case had cost > him much money, that the publicity that he gained from it > in the news brought him so much new business that in the > long-run he really profited from this case. He said that > the view that many of the general public readers of the > newspapers had gotten was that he was a real figher and did > not mind bucking the system when necessary; and they were > looking for that kind of a lawyer. Franceschi's full name > is Ernest Franceschi, and he has a brother John Franceschi > who is a lawyer in one of the mid-western states. His > brother John saw my poem on the internet once and contacted > me by e-mail and told me that he had shown a copy of it to > their mother, who, I am very sure is very proud of both of > her sons. I am also a lawyer, and Ernie Franceschi as a > lawyer is a man after my own heart. He's my kind of a > lawyer! > > Sincerely, > > Hardy Parkerson, Atty. > (Retired, after 41 years at the Bar) > Lake Charles, LA > > > > >
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Franceschi's Nightmare, 1/31/13, by Hardy Parkerson, J.D..
- Re: Franceschi's Nightmare, 11/21/14, by Anonymous Rex.