Post: Need Help ASAP in family court

Posted by Waylon Rupp on 6/05/13
I am a 32 year old father who 5 years ago aquired joint custody of my 9 year old daughter. She lives with me monday through friday and visits her mother on the weekend. I recently took my childs mother back to court for sole custody because of domestic violence, drugs, breaking court orders put in place to protect my child, ex: My child is not to be around the abusive boyfriend, she has, I have witnesses, she isnt suppose to have her visits where her mother lives, she does, on and on. THe mother had made up lies in court, she has 30 made up dates she didnt"get her visit", I mean she has sundays on there, tuesdays, days she isnt suppose to even have her. We have a new judge, the judge has no idea about what kind of person the mother is, the old judge, he did, saw right through her. Told her she was a liar. This judge seems to buy her innocent good mommy act. He tried to throw me in jail today over these dates, when he hasnt seen the proof, then when my laywer told him we have proof she is lying, he continued the court date to give my new laywer time to look over the case, then made me pay 200 dollars to the other attorney, which the contempt order wasnt suppose to be heard anyways today not until after the trial. So because the judge messed up, i have to pay my childs mothers laywer?? I need a new judge, My old laywer did a motion to withdrawl, he said it wasnt me, I needed a new set of eyes and the case was spinning out of control due to her lies, He did this less than two weeks before trial, he didnt give me time to get another attorney and he refused to give me my papers and documents, which I know by law before a judge allows someone to withdrawl they have to abide by certain rules, laws. Then my new laywer asks last week for the file, the old attorney waits til today to give him half of it, and not the evidence we needed for court, Our old laywer, floyd daily told us that he is fishing partners with the mothers new lawyer Chris McCall. So i know they planned this, not giving me the file until it was to late, hoping my laywer could not represent me so that i would be found in contempt and go to jail and the mother would get my child. I dont know what to do, call the bar association, make a complaint on floyd daily? Ask for another judge, how do I get a fair and just trial for sole custody?? I am a great father, who protects and loves his daughter, her mother thats a diferent story and i have stacks of police reports and witnesses. I need advice asap.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Need Help ASAP in family court, 6/05/13, by Waylon Rupp.
- Re: Need Help ASAP in family court, 6/26/13, by Concerned.