Post: Court Order

Posted by Joseph on 2/20/08
A debt collecting lawyer got a judgement at an address where I have NEVER lived but where someone with the exact same name lives. They then sent it to my bank and have put a lien on my bank account. I have called them to no avail. They say it is too late - they have the judgement against me. They claim the debt is mine, but will give no details - they say they don't have to because they have a judgement already. I don't think the debt is mine - I never had a Citibank Credit card and statements were being sent to the other address. Is there recourse via Attorney General or whom. Even if by some chance (debts are sold all the time) the debt is mine - I my rights as a debtor (if any) and due process (if it applies) were violated. Help! I'd love to put these slimy people in their place for their practices.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Court Order, 2/20/08, by Joseph.