Post: 1st Civil Court Date?

Posted by Matt on 3/19/07
Hello out there, I would like to know if someone can get
me their opinion on how to handle a court date with in a
civil court about unpaid credit card co. They meaning
their attorney's have pushed this to a civil and have it
talked about in court, what if I do not want to go on that
date and change the date, or I cannot make it? Or what is
I simply want to file Bankruptcy? What happens usually?
Would it be dismissed? Granted judgement for credit card
co's? what do I need to say to the court office to change
the date or that I am filing for bankruptcy?
I cannot pay these charges they are speaking about
currently and these credit cards are from 1999! $7,000
they claim. Also, don't thy need to verify to me/courts
that is what I owe? At that time, I could not pay rfom an
injury and I had insurance just in case. The Credit Card
insurance was supposed to pay never did? Thats what
Also, the explaination letter I sent already to the civil
office I said the same, but they still went on with this
court date of 4/5/07 coming
what can I do, please help out...
Posts on this thread, including this one
- 1st Civil Court Date? , 3/19/07, by Matt.