Post: Bar Exam Tutor (AZ, CA, CO, GA, ID, MD, NJ, NY, NV, WA, UBE)
Posted by Paul on 12/16/18
Since 2002, I have offered an individual, intensive, one-
on-one bar review course for the bar exams of California,
(CA) Georgia (GA), Maryland (MD), the Maryland Attorney's
Exam, Nevada (NV) and the Uniform Bar Examination [UBE]
offered by jurisdictions such as Arizona (AZ), Colorado
(CO), District of Columbia (DC), Idaho (ID) Missouri (MO),
New York (NY), New Jersey (NJ), Washington State (WA) and
others. Please ask me about other jurisdictions.
I also offer a class for the Maryland Attorney's Exam.
Interested candidates should contact me about that class
for further details.
The course focuses upon the written section/essays/MPT,
although I do cover all subjected tested on the bar exam on
the MBE.
The course starts in November/December for the February bar
and in May/June for the July Bar, which concludes about a
week prior to the bar exam. Unlike other cram courses, this
term enables a careful and through review of all bar exam
subjects, particularly for a working professional.
Each week I email a state-specific outline for a particular
subject and former exam questions on that subject. The
outlines specify the topics from each subject actually
tested on the bar and the frequency with which they were
tested. With this focused approach, a student is always
learning law actually tested on the bar in order to pass,
rather than learning the entire legal code.
The student reviews the materials, does the questions and
returns the answers via email, for which I provide detailed
diagnostic feedback via email, as well as additional
questions as necessary in order to maximize exam
performance. The online email format eliminates travel time
and allows the student to do the homework at the time and
place best suited for the him or her, even with a busy work
schedule. This approach worked for the many attorneys and
other professionals who took the class and passed the bar
Rather than just memorizing materials, this active learning
approach ensures all bar material is learned through actual
practice. By the end of the class, a student will have done
40-50 or more practice questions. With this feedback-based
method I can determine, evaluate and eliminate any issues
in a student's exam approach.
I am an experienced tutor who has taught this class to many
students, having passed the bar in four different
jurisdictions, using this method and materials, which are
updated to reflect new questions I have also practiced many
of the areas tested on the bar. My methods and instruction
are proven, based upon actual experience and results. I
offer this course with extremely affordable pricing.
Please contact me for further information at my email:
bartutor@[remove spam]
I look forward to working with you. References and pricing
available upon request.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Bar Exam Tutor (AZ, CA, CO, GA, ID, MD, NJ, NY, NV, WA, UBE), 12/16/18, by Paul .