Re: IF I.O.L.T.A. IS LEGAL . . .
Posted by X-Office Holder on 11/29/03
By the way, did you know that the money that defendants put up for bailbonds is deposited by the Sheriff in the bank and draws interest and the Sheriff gets the interest. Now that's a business ethics problem. Who rightfully should receive the interest earned off of defendants' money deposited with the Sheriffs of Louisiana for bailbonds? Looks to me like it should belong to the defendants who own the money deposited with the Sheriffs for bailbonds. More Louisiana crooked politics! On 11/29/03, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote: > > Dear Counsel.Net Friends, > > Now that the Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that > I.O.L.T.A. is legal (not moral, nor ethical), why not > take all the money that Sheriffs hold for bailbonds and > put it out to interest and give the interest to he bar > foundations? Why not take all the money held by untility > companies for utility deposits and put it out to interest > and give the interest earned off that money to the bar > foundations? Why not take all the money collected by > churches and put it out to interest and give the interest > to the bar foundations. No difference that I.O.L.T.A. > Pretty good idea! I.O.L.T.A. is not a matter of whether or > not it's legal. The Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that it > is. It's a matter of business ethics. Is it ethical? > It's a matter of theology. It is moral and honest? Must > be, if the Supreme Court says it is. But what about those > four Supreme Court Justices that say, "No, it's not > legal!"? There is more to it all than this, but this is > something to think about. > > HMP >
Posts on this thread, including this one
- IF I.O.L.T.A. IS LEGAL . . . , 11/29/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
- Re: IF I.O.L.T.A. IS LEGAL . . . , 11/29/03, by X-Office Holder.
- Re: IF I.O.L.T.A. IS LEGAL . . . , 11/29/03, by Georgia Peach.
- Re: IF I.O.L.T.A. IS LEGAL . . . , 11/29/03, by Cajun. J.D. .
- Re: IF I.O.L.T.A. IS LEGAL . . . , 11/29/03, by Hunter Thompson.
- Re: 'THE BIGGEST CRIME IN AMERICA IS BEING POOR., 11/29/03, by Bernie the Attorney.
- Re: 'THE BIGGEST CRIME IN AMERICA IS BEING POOR., 11/29/03, by Hunter Thompson.
- Re: HEY, GONZO! Re: 'THE BIGGEST CRIME IN AMERICA IS BEING POOR., 11/29/03, by O. Henry, Atty. (Austin and N.O.).
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- Re: IS THAT THE REAL HUNTER THOMPSON?, 11/29/03, by Georgia Peach.
- Re: IS THAT THE REAL HUNTER THOMPSON?, 12/06/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..