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    Posted by Bernie the Attorney on 11/29/03

    No! No! You've got it wrong, Hunter! The biggest crime in America
    is being gay, or Black. Wake up youself, Turkey!

    Bernie the Attorney

    On 11/29/03, Hunter Thompson wrote:
    > Here you go with that IOLTA thing again. You've worn it out.
    > Drop it! Get a life! The people who run the bar association are
    > going to do what they want, and to _ _ _ _ with you little guys!
    > Haven't you learned that by now! Those who have get, and those
    > who don't have get screwed (with metal screws). Face it,
    > Turkeys! The biggest crime in America is being poor.
    > On 11/29/03, Cajun. J.D. wrote:
    >> Don't care what they steal, just as long as I get my share.
    >> Cajun J.D.
    >> On 11/29/03, Georgia Peach wrote:
    >>> There's so much crooked stuff going on in Louisiana,
    >>> especially in the government, that I wonder why you Cajuns
    >>> live there. What is it about Cajuns? Are they just naturally
    >>> crooks and thieves?
    >>> Georgia Peach
    >>> Atlanta
    >>> On 11/29/03, X-Office Holder wrote:
    >>>> By the way, did you know that the money that defendants put
    >>>> up for bailbonds is deposited by the Sheriff in the bank and
    >>>> draws interest and the Sheriff gets the interest. Now
    >>>> that's a business ethics problem. Who rightfully should
    >>>> receive the interest earned off of defendants' money
    >>>> deposited with the Sheriffs of Louisiana for bailbonds?
    >>>> Looks to me like it should belong to the defendants who own
    >>>> the money deposited with the Sheriffs for bailbonds. More
    >>>> Louisiana crooked politics!
    >>>> On 11/29/03, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. wrote:
    >>>>> Dear Counsel.Net Friends,
    >>>>> Now that the Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that
    >>>>> I.O.L.T.A. is legal (not moral, nor ethical), why not
    >>>>> take all the money that Sheriffs hold for bailbonds and
    >>>>> put it out to interest and give the interest to he bar
    >>>>> foundations? Why not take all the money held by untility
    >>>>> companies for utility deposits and put it out to interest
    >>>>> and give the interest earned off that money to the bar
    >>>>> foundations? Why not take all the money collected by
    >>>>> churches and put it out to interest and give the interest
    >>>>> to the bar foundations. No difference that I.O.L.T.A.
    >>>>> Pretty good idea! I.O.L.T.A. is not a matter of whether or
    >>>>> not it's legal. The Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that it
    >>>>> is. It's a matter of business ethics. Is it ethical?
    >>>>> It's a matter of theology. It is moral and honest? Must
    >>>>> be, if the Supreme Court says it is. But what about those
    >>>>> four Supreme Court Justices that say, "No, it's not
    >>>>> legal!"? There is more to it all than this, but this is
    >>>>> something to think about.
    >>>>> HMP

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • IF I.O.L.T.A. IS LEGAL . . . , 11/29/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..
  • Re: IF I.O.L.T.A. IS LEGAL . . . , 11/29/03, by X-Office Holder.
  • Re: IF I.O.L.T.A. IS LEGAL . . . , 11/29/03, by Georgia Peach.
  • Re: IF I.O.L.T.A. IS LEGAL . . . , 11/29/03, by Cajun. J.D. .
  • Re: IF I.O.L.T.A. IS LEGAL . . . , 11/29/03, by Hunter Thompson.
  • Re: 'THE BIGGEST CRIME IN AMERICA IS BEING POOR., 11/29/03, by Bernie the Attorney.
  • Re: 'THE BIGGEST CRIME IN AMERICA IS BEING POOR., 11/29/03, by Hunter Thompson.
  • Re: HEY, GONZO! Re: 'THE BIGGEST CRIME IN AMERICA IS BEING POOR., 11/29/03, by O. Henry, Atty. (Austin and N.O.).
  • Re: HEY, GONZO! Re: 'THE BIGGEST CRIME IN AMERICA IS BEING P, 11/29/03, by O. Henry, Atty. (Austin and N.O.).
  • Re: IS THAT THE REAL HUNTER THOMPSON?, 11/29/03, by Georgia Peach.
  • Re: IS THAT THE REAL HUNTER THOMPSON?, 12/06/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..

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