Posted by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. on 12/06/03
Dear Turtle, Thanks for the book you sent me!. I will read it. I called long distance information to get your number to call you and thank you, but I have not had a chance to call yet. I hope to do so soon. I shall be glad to reimburse you the cost of the book and the postage. I will look for a way to return the favor. Also, after I read the book, I may call you to discuss this matter with you. I am getting lots of call for consumer problems. You know, they talk about there being too many layers. I am one who says there are not enough. We just need more aggressive lawyers who are not afraid to take on some of these crooks who unfairly abuse employees and consumers. Again, Thanks! Sincerely, Hardy Parkerson, Atty. Lake Charles, LA
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- DEAR TURTLE, THANKS FOR THE BOOK!, 12/06/03, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty..