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    Post: Adding More Fees After Bankruptcy Filed

    Posted by T. Fish on 12/06/03

    Mr. Parkerson was kind enough to respond to my previous
    question concerning a homeowner's association attorney
    doubling the amount owed from $1600 to $3500 (mostly her
    fee)in a foreclosure case after she agreed to a six month
    payment plan for the $1600. This forced us into bankruptcy.

    We live in Florida, and filed a chapter 13 bankruptcy
    before any foreclosure hearing took place. Within thirty
    minutes of filing we informed the attorney by telephone.
    She requested we fax our stamped cover copy. We did within
    an hour of the telephone call, and it was received by her
    office. Two weeks later she sent a letter in which she
    increased the amount owed by $1200 for
    unnamed "violations," and "bankruptcy fees," neither of
    which were part of the amount owed on the day we filed.
    Also her previous fee document had dates showing when each
    amount was incurred, while the new fees are not dated. I
    thought the filing of bankruptcy was supposed to stop
    further action on a foreclosure until the creditor's
    meeting, or until the judge makes a determination.

    In other words, even though a bankruptcy filing is supposed
    to stop a foreclosure dead, is still it okay for the HOA
    attorney to keep tacking on fees? Also can an attorney's
    fees be challenged as excessive in bankruptcy court?

    Our previous mortgage foreclosure lasted eighteen months,
    and in mediation the arbitrator noted that the bank erred
    in foreclosing by not applying our payments to P & I (which
    we had been saying all along) As a result we reached a
    settlement in which we did not have to pay attorney fees,
    late fees, or penalties; just eighteen months of regular
    mortgage payments in a lump sum. The expenses associated
    with fighting the mortgage foreclosure for eighteen months,
    as well as my becoming disabled, made us fall behind on the
    HOA fees. Yet the bank's attorney had only asked $1500 for
    doing much more work for a much longer time than the HOA
    attorney. We just don't get it.

    T. Fish

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Adding More Fees After Bankruptcy Filed, 12/06/03, by T. Fish.
  • Re: Adding More Fees After Bankruptcy Filed, 2/09/04, by bill.

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