Post: Deal unable to fix our trade in and wants his vehicle back

Posted by Mary on 12/10/03
My husband and I leased a new vehicle two days ago. We traded in our 1999 minivan which I had advised the salesman had transmission problems and an oil. He asked if we would be able to drive it to the dealership and I told him that I thought we could which we did. When we were test driving the new car their mechanic looked over our van and the salesman was happy to report that they would give us $5,000 for it, which we accepted and used as our downpayment for the lease. We signed all the papers contacted our insurance company and took the car home that night. I just received a call from the salesman saying that the van is unfixable and they want their car back or they want us to pay them $1,500. Please let us know what you think. Thank you.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Deal unable to fix our trade in and wants his vehicle back, 12/10/03, by Mary.