Re: Landlord Ethics
Posted by R.L. Stevenson on 12/10/03
Dream on! Landlords don't have ethics. RLS
On 12/10/03, Mike wrote: > I am under a 5 year lease on an office in a small building > with 3 other offices. 2 of the offices have been vacant > for some time. The owner of the building is planning to > lease one of the other offices to a competing business of > mine. Since I am obligated under my lease agreement to the > owner can he engage in such activities that could threaten > or undermine my business to which I am relying on in order > to meet my obligations to him. This seems to me atleast > anunethical business practice. Is there any laws or > rulings that protect renters from such practices.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Landlord Ethics, 12/10/03, by Mike.
- Re: Landlord Ethics, 12/10/03, by R.L. Stevenson.