Post: Fraudulent towing company

Posted by Clementis McCall on 12/13/03
I met a guy named Kevin who offered to fix my 1971 Chevy Impala.I met kevin through a guy who towed my other car for me when it broke down and he recommended him to me.Kevin came in a tow truck and towed my car to his shop.(The tow truck had East Lake Towing on the side of it)I gave Kevin a 300.00 deposit which he gave ne a receipt for. I went a few times to check on it and Kevin would tell me he was working on it.It is my toy car in the sense that it is for my pleasure . Afew monts went buy and I received a letter stating the car was going to be sold by East lake Towing and I went out there and Kevin told me his mother sent the paper and she was incorrect and not to worry about.I saw his mother out there and she told me everything was fine. (this was in January of 2003).I had not heard from Kevin so today 12/13/03 to check on my car.When I got there Kevin's mom told me kevin no longer lives there or works there.She then told me that she wanted 500.00 for my car to be returned to me or she would sell it.She said that legally the car was hers.She showed me where she sent a certified letter in June and it was signed for by my 14 yr old daughter.I never got the letter but I informed her that that was incorrect because they never fixed my car or tried to contact me to tell me anything about it.I thought that they could only charge me storage after the car was repaired.She then told me that kevin had abandoned everything and she had the cars towed from the shop Kevin had leased from someone else and we had to pay her for the towing fees and all other expenses associated with it.My argument is if Kevin had no part of her business why did she allow him to use her company truck,bring the car to her company and never do anything to differiante her business from his.We called the police who told us it was a civil matter but I did go and get a disposable camera to show the car is on her property and still in good condition.Do I have a legal leg to stand on if I take her to small claims court she was aware of Kevin agreement wtith me to fix my car and never told me anything!!111
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Fraudulent towing company, 12/13/03, by Clementis McCall.
- Re: Fraudulent towing company, 12/31/03, by roosta.