Post: Employer withholding paychecks, bouncing paychecks & more

Posted by Kevan on 12/16/03
My employer, a security company that contracts for un-armed guards, consistently doesn't pay overtime, issues paychecks late, actively keeps employees from picking paychecks up and then doesn't have sufficient funds to cover the payroll. In their new hire paperwork they say paychecks are available "on, or about" the 7th and 21st of each month and most employees are lucky to have theirs 7-10 days after the posted date. The employers officially do not keep office hours and they always keep the office locked even when they are there (they have been seen coming/going). This is the only place to obtain a paycheck and direct deposit is not available. They won't answer the door or the phone and usually finally allow the employees to get their checks only after the employee threatens to not report to work. Even then the employers play games to keep paychecks longer and often instruct employees not to cash the checks until the next day. I calculated that the company pays out at least $500,000 each year in wages, yet they do not pay overtime. I understand a Federal law mandates any employer to pay overtime if the business grosses $500,000 per year, regardless of the number of employees. To my knowledge, they do not qualify for other overtime exemptions either. I have personally had one paycheck bounce and since then have gone to my employer's bank to cash my checks. Even then I sometimes am not allowed to get my money due to insufficient funds in their payroll account. The location is Brevard County, Florida. The best situation would be to continue working at this company, get paid overtime when owed, and to receive my paychecks on time without bouncing. What resources do I have to acheive this, legally or otherwise? Should my local PD be informed of bounced checks (this is a habit for this company as almost every employee has experienced this)? What have they violated? What should be done to ammend these violations? Any other thoughts? Thanks!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Employer withholding paychecks, bouncing paychecks & more, 12/16/03, by Kevan.
- Re: Employer withholding paychecks, bouncing paychecks & mor, 1/06/04, by Terry.
- Re: Employer withholding paychecks, bouncing paychecks & mor, 5/09/07, by Robert Goode.