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    Post: Contract (writer?)

    Posted by Christina on 12/19/03

    Hi there, thanks for taking the time to read my post.. I'm
    in search of one of two things, and I'm not exactly sure
    where to go...

    I own a web design / development / hosting company,
    online, and offline in town. Up til now i have been using
    a contract that my partner wrote, and I don't think that
    it's covering me 100%. (See current contract here

    I am absoutely not a wordy person, and won't even try to
    claim to know what half of that contract means, I only
    know the things that i definately need covered in the

    Can someone please take al ook at it and let me know if
    its a "good" contract to have, or if i should look into
    hiring someone to draw up a new one...

    If you do think that I need a new one, can you direct me
    to a place in which i can either a. find a templated
    version somewhere to reqord, or b. hire someone to write a
    new one?

    Thanks in advance,

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Contract (writer?), 12/19/03, by Christina.

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