Post: enviornmental law

Posted by beth on 1/10/04
What do you do when your business is compliant with OSHA,
EPA, etc - on an everyday basis for the last 25years, but if we
were to sell the building and property tomorrow - which we
own - they would start a HUGH WITCH HUNT due to OLD/pre-
existing enviornmental problems.
The building has existed for over 75yrs - so why wouldn't it be
"grandfathered" in due to such issues that were non-issues
or legal at that time. Are we going to be PAYing for the lack of
laws that these gov agencies didn't require 50+yrs ago?
Now we are left to spend Millions of dollars in a clean up which
was legally done 50+yrs ago and we had nothing to with.
Instead people are supposed to spend Millinos or go into
This has been so UNfair. We are not only compliant with
all these governmental agencies, but a good neighbor &
employer of a few of Newark, NJ citizens.
What are our alternatives? Is ther such a law as
Very Depressed buiness owner
Posts on this thread, including this one
- enviornmental law, 1/10/04, by beth.