Post: Buiness Privacy

Posted by T on 1/22/04
My question is when is the line crossed with buiness
privacy relating to on - line buiness relations with
The problem am facing is this... for the past two years
this person has made is very clear that anyone whom deals
with the other site will be removed from her's. Now grant
you I have the choice to leave this site and sell else
where if I so choose to do so. I have been told and it has
been posted on a chat group that they do not want nor will
they have dealings with this other site. But on the same
hand felt it was a good thing with this other site and
wanted be able to also sell there too.
Now what I need to know since am not representing myself
using the same name but of and other name (there by being
no representation at all in any manor) Dose this person
have a right to invade my private buisness life and or
personal life for that matter. And when dose the internet
consider harrasment a factor - I have (and thought)when I
emailed this person "the owner" of the site that I was not
to whom she feels I am (and this was done for my privacy).
Now to me this should have ended the problem of the
invasion of my privacy. Yet I get a second email from the
owner - I did not even get as so much as 24 hours to
respond but recieved and phone call literally grilling me
to no end over the sitituation.
So what am asking is this.. Do I have the right to sue this
person for 1. Mental Anquish 2. Harrassement 3. The
invation of my buisness and personal privacy? 4. The lose
of income or potential income?
Please also note I have literally copies of ALL postings
and all emails that I have recieved from this person and
have made a detailed record of the call that I recieved.
Thank You -
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Buiness Privacy , 1/22/04, by T.