Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment
Posted by Alex on 1/23/04
When your mortgage is past due they can foreclose. The whole balance is accelerated when any number of conditions are not met. The thing is that mortgage holders hate to foreclose. So if you are current with your payments, why would they want to foreclose? There must be something you are not telling us. On 1/23/04, pam wrote: > how many times a week can a lending company call you and > can they reposes your home if the payments is not over 30 > days past due and your trying to pay the payments and they > are rude and refuse to work with you and threaten you ... > is it legal for them to send some one to take pictures of > your home to "Post as for sale" if your not more than > 30days past due . and if you had a sick child and let some > one else send the payment and they goofed and sent in via > priority mail instead of priority quick collect can they > refuse the payment and reposes... please help.....
Posts on this thread, including this one
- mortage company and fraud and harassment, 1/23/04, by pam.
- Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment, 1/23/04, by Alex.
- Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment, 1/23/04, by pam.
- Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment, 1/23/04, by Alex.
- Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment, 1/23/04, by pam.
- Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment, 2/09/04, by esc.
- Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment, 2/09/04, by esc.