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    Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment

    Posted by Alex on 1/23/04

    They must have accelerated the whole balance. They can legally
    do this.
    Tell me what exactly is the bank telling you.
    On 1/23/04, pam wrote:
    > alex, I am telling you every thing,*( i dont mis lead any one
    > for any reason) the fact that jan payment is due the 28th of
    > jan and i was behind on decemebers i sent 200.00 then I had my
    > dad send the rest of dec today as was agreed, he sent it
    > priority mail not quick collect my father is 75 yrs old and he
    > got mixed up with the way to send it cause i was with my sick
    > daughter and my husband was out of town, we have been behind
    > three times but never more than 30 days they are saying they
    > can repo cause i didnt send the payment via quickcollect and
    > the acct is considered 30 days past due,
    > On 1/23/04, Alex wrote:
    >> When your mortgage is past due they can foreclose. The
    > whole
    >> balance is accelerated when any number of conditions are not
    >> met. The thing is that mortgage holders hate to foreclose.
    >> So if you are current with your payments, why would they
    > want
    >> to foreclose? There must be something you are not telling
    > us.
    >> On 1/23/04, pam wrote:
    >>> how many times a week can a lending company call you and
    >>> can they reposes your home if the payments is not over 30
    >>> days past due and your trying to pay the payments and they
    >>> are rude and refuse to work with you and threaten you ...
    >>> is it legal for them to send some one to take pictures of
    >>> your home to "Post as for sale" if your not more than
    >>> 30days past due . and if you had a sick child and let some
    >>> one else send the payment and they goofed and sent in via
    >>> priority mail instead of priority quick collect can they
    >>> refuse the payment and reposes... please help.....

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • mortage company and fraud and harassment, 1/23/04, by pam.
  • Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment, 1/23/04, by Alex.
  • Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment, 1/23/04, by pam.
  • Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment, 1/23/04, by Alex.
  • Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment, 1/23/04, by pam.
  • Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment, 2/09/04, by esc.
  • Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment, 2/09/04, by esc.

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