Re: mortage company and fraud and harassment
Posted by pam on 1/23/04
its not a bank , its vanderbilt mortgage and finance, they are
saying that the account is new its 17months old and the account
has been past due before (told them then as now husbands hours
are cut till march ) every yr and my daughter being ill with
medical expenses insurance dont pay that they are not going to
stand for this delinquency and that they are going to start
legal precedings, they are saying that because my dad got mixed
up and sent the payment wrong cause the aggrement was with me
not my dad although they didnt care my child was sick so i had
some one else to make the payment as i promised that they are
going to take my home even tho payment was sent with a tracking
number and every thing,
basically they are saying we dont care your going to lose your
home. over 150.00 cause i had mailed the other payment via
priority mail.. seems they never recieve the payment unless its
sent that way. I also told them that we should get our taxes in
abt 2 weeks and im paying three to four months in advance, they
said they didnt care, and next week they are starting the legal
process . thanks for the help... daughters sick again will reply
to any answer tommorow,,,
thank you
n 1/23/04, Alex wrote:
> They must have accelerated the whole balance. They can legally
> do this.
> Tell me what exactly is the bank telling you.
> On 1/23/04, pam wrote:
>> alex, I am telling you every thing,*( i dont mis lead any one
>> for any reason) the fact that jan payment is due the 28th of
>> jan and i was behind on decemebers i sent 200.00 then I had my
>> dad send the rest of dec today as was agreed, he sent it
>> priority mail not quick collect my father is 75 yrs old and he
>> got mixed up with the way to send it cause i was with my sick
>> daughter and my husband was out of town, we have been behind
>> three times but never more than 30 days they are saying they
>> can repo cause i didnt send the payment via quickcollect and
>> the acct is considered 30 days past due,
>> On 1/23/04, Alex wrote:
>>> When your mortgage is past due they can foreclose. The
>> whole
>>> balance is accelerated when any number of conditions are not
>>> met. The thing is that mortgage holders hate to foreclose.
>>> So if you are current with your payments, why would they
>> want
>>> to foreclose? There must be something you are not telling
>> us.
>>> On 1/23/04, pam wrote:
>>>> how many times a week can a lending company call you and
>>>> can they reposes your home if the payments is not over 30
>>>> days past due and your trying to pay the payments and they
>>>> are rude and refuse to work with you and threaten you ...
>>>> is it legal for them to send some one to take pictures of
>>>> your home to "Post as for sale" if your not more than
>>>> 30days past due . and if you had a sick child and let some
>>>> one else send the payment and they goofed and sent in via
>>>> priority mail instead of priority quick collect can they
>>>> refuse the payment and reposes... please help.....