Post: Help with 911 recording release!

Posted by Laura on 2/13/04
I am trying to get Help to be able to get my recording transcripts of my 911 callings, I havewritten to the District Attorneys office and according to them I do not have a good excuse for them to persue and help me to be able to get ahold of these 911 recordings. I can not afford a Lawyer I will not get an appointed Attorny, for they only work for the state its self. Any help will be gratefull A Father of 6 Desperate/seeking for Help !!!!!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Help with 911 recording release!, 2/13/04, by Laura.
- Re: Help with 911 recording release, 2/13/04, by sharwinston.
- Re: Help with 911 recording release, 2/13/04, by ymym.
- Re: Help with 911 recording release, 2/14/04, by lAURA.