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    Post: Vested Public Interest

    Posted by Chris on 2/26/04

    This question pertains to the public's right to vote:

    This pertains to a non-profit organization that is funded
    entirely from public tax dollars through a state agency.
    The state dictates who can be on the board, insofar as that
    70% of the board members have to have a specific background
    and hold a specific residence. The state also dictates
    what services will be offered and to whom. Following are
    my questions:

    1. Because of the extent the state is involved - would
    this classify the organization as a quasi government agency?

    2. Because this agency is not a private club as their
    entire funding derives from public tax dollars - is this
    agency allowed to have its members vote board members into
    their seat, but not permit the general public the same

    According to the state agency holding the contract of
    funding and services, this agency is obligated to abide by
    the open records law of the state.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Vested Public Interest, 2/26/04, by Chris.

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