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    Re: Messy backyard

    Posted by Lyndsey on 3/12/04

    On 2/29/04, Cathleen wrote:
    > Ok so here's the thing. We've been renting this house
    > since lst september and the last tenant was a drug dealer
    > so the house was a mess and that was cleaned up but all
    > junk that he left outside is still there including broken
    > and used needles IN THE BACKYARD!!! I just went outside
    > today and discovered that I had two new pieces of junk
    > weren't even mine, sitting in my driveway. So what the
    > heck do I do? I am not sure if I am allowed to hold rent
    > cause we have been living there for a while but he did say
    > that he was going to pick up the mess (in sept) and he
    > still hasn't. I don't like the idea of my house/backyard
    > being a place for anyone to dump their trash just cause
    > trash was already there. What do I do!!!!??

    Take a few pictures

    Hire somebody to pick up the trash and furniture, but before
    call the Health Department to get rid of the needles, for
    God's sake don't touch them...I hope you don't have children
    or's a dangerous situation

    ...and deduct the expenses from your rent

    You are going to have to get somebody to bless that
    house...that house has a lot of bad vibrations from the
    previous owner, maybe violence besides the drug

    Good luck


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Messy backyard, 2/29/04, by Cathleen.
  • Re: Messy backyard, 2/29/04, by Kat.
  • Re: Messy backyard, 2/29/04, by roosta.
  • Re: Messy backyard, 3/01/04, by Cathleen.
  • Re: Messy backyard, 3/01/04, by henry.
  • Re: Messy backyard, 3/01/04, by Cat.
  • Re: Messy backyard, 3/12/04, by Lyndsey.

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