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    Re: Employee right to file a greivance

    Posted by Terry on 3/16/04

    On 3/16/04, Jim wrote:
    > Are Minnesota employers (employing 30 or more) required to
    > have and distribute a company policy handbook to its
    > employees? And, are they also required to give
    > instructions to employees on how to file a formal
    > greivance? What is the manadated law? Who does an employee
    > report it to when the employer doesn't provided these to
    > the employee?

    "Are Minnesota employers (employing 30 or more) required to
    have and distribute a company policy handbook to its
    employees?" No. NO employer is required to have a policy
    handbook, regardless of their size or what State they're in.

    "And, are they also required to give instructions to
    employees on how to file a formal greivance?" No.

    "What is the manadated law?" There is none.

    "Who does an employee report it to when the employer doesn't
    provided these to the employee?" Report what to?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Jim.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Terry.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Steve.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Steve.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/16/04, by Steve.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/17/04, by JimV.
  • Re: Employee right to file a greivance, 3/17/04, by JimV.

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